Omelette with tuna fish and tomatoes

Fast, easy, tasty with Di Alba – tuna fish!

Preparation time: 14 min.
Quantity of products for 4 servings.


Olive oil
3-4 pcs. eggs
1 canned tuna fish / in own sauce /
Finely chopped tomatoes in cubes
Anchovy paste
Pepper and salt to taste

Method of preparation:

    1. 1. Heat the pan – add a little olive oil and butter.
    1. 2. Beat the eggs.
    1. 3. Add to the eggs finely chopped tomatoes, anchovy paste and parsley. Season with pepper and salt.
    1. 4. Melt a little clean oil in a hot pan and add the mixture.
    1. 5. The omelet fried until ready.
      6. Serve with lettuce.